the right experience coupled with creativity

Mechanical Engineering

a myriad of services

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For companies, entrepreneurs or scientists who have a great idea for a product but need assistance in developing that product into a working reality, Affinity for Mechanical Design has a range of services that can suit even a small budget. Whether you already have a prototype and just need to take it into production, or if you only have an idea, we can assist at every step.

The most critical time in designing a mechanical system for cost saving and improving product performance comes at the very beginning of the design process. Without a good, well thought through base design, the rest of project quickly becomes costly and can result in huge issues that result in poor product performance. Mechanical engineers that can catch problems in the early design or have the experience to never create the problems in the first place, save many of the headaches and cost overruns that happen later in production.

That is why hiring experienced, creative and highly skilled design engineers is essential in product development. However, intelligent mechanical design is more than just experience. It’s the right experience, coupled with creative, throw out the box type thinking, applied using a rigorous and proven engineering design process. Affinity for Mechanical Design engineers design in a holistic and thorough fashion, taking into account the best methods to solve your engineering problem, the correct materials, the best and most cost-effective method of manufacture, the design aesthetic, the customer’s needs, the design methods that bring a product to market fastest, reducing parts and standardizing fasteners, regulatory requirements, safety and several other design factors based on your product and its market.

The end goal is not just a working product, but a product that exceeds and excels in your company’s design goals. Intelligent mechanical design is meant to further your bottom line and make your product and company highly competitive.

Mechanical Design Services

Machine Design

Our lead engineer has designed manufacturing machinery for industry leaders like Michelin, Cytec, Hayssen Mfg., Kusters Zima, Great Lakes Corp. and several CH2M Hill clients. The machines fabricate tires, process food products, package numerous products, create carbon fiber or process storm water or sewage. The quantity of machinery types we have designed is simply too extensive to list here.

A photo is worth a thousand words, so please review the photos of just a few of the machines we have designed in our photo portfolio. Of course, we have designed many machines that we cannot shown because they are covered by non-disclosure agreements. Your secrecy is important to Affinity for Mechanical Design and it is quite common for us to share such agreements with our clients.

Design for Assembly / Manufacturing Services

At Affinity for Mechanical Design, we offer end to end Design for Assembly and Design for Manufacturing services to our clients for both new as well as existing product designs. We design the products to perform specific functions keeping the manufacturing cost in mind and making sure the products stay competitive in the marketplace. In design for assembly, we review the current design with an eye for elements and features of the design which can be improved in order to eliminate or minimize the touch labor. DFA is also essential to minimize the costs of a production assembly.

Reverse Engineering and Virtual 3D Solid Model Prototype Building

It is hard to assess various parts of any equipment using traditional techniques of geometric measurement. Affinity for Mechanical Design offers its advanced reverse engineering services to help you get detailed 3D models from physical components of any product of equipment. These models can be used to improvise the design while keeping development process and manufacturability in mind. We can also create virtual 3D solid model prototypes before you build a single part for a real touch prototype. These virtual prototypes are extremely valuable in explaining details to people who have trouble visualizing products or equipment that isn’t sitting in front of them.

Material Selection | Product Costing

Success of any product depends on the type of material used in its manufacturing. Material selection is reliant on the attributes planned for the product as per the consumer’s preference and cost of manufacturing. We help our client in material selection to make their manufacturing process simple and cost-effective.

Packaging Design

Industry understands that a good package that shows off the product while keeping everything neat and organized is essential to success. A package that does not survive shipping is no package at all. Affinity for Mechanical Design understand packaging because we have not only designed the products that go into the package, but we also can design the machine that creates the package. If your company needs a package design or a packaging machine, we can design them both.


Virtual or real prototypes are a vital part of the development process seeing that it can help you expose any flaws behind your solution. Simply put, it can make or break a product’s success. An outside eye can help you expose those flaws and uncertainties. Our engineers have broad industry knowledge, which enables them to bring new and innovative ideas to the table. Whether you want a virtual 3D solid model prototype, or a real touch prototype, we can provide either. Virtually every design we create starts with a full 3D solid model to assist people in being able to visualize our designs long before a touch prototype is built. We can create a 3D solid model as complex as necessary to meet you needs, even models that drive every weldment cut list, bill of materials, paint specs and even every nut, bolt and washer. Or we can create “sales spec” models that simply demonstrate ideas and concepts that can be used in meeting or sales literature. Our desire is to assist in creating your product, and then help illustrate and present that product not only to the decision makers within your company, but to your salesmen and customers before the product has even been built.

Detail / Drafting Services

Drafting has practically become a lost art and yet in the right hands, with today’s sophisticated CAD tools, combined with today’s communications abilities, 3D solid models and drafting can convey your products or machinery to others like never before. Being able to share a computer screen online to 200 people across the world, while actually modifying a 3D CAD model during a meeting, in real time, is literally ground breaking progress. Nothing is better when trying to convey significant design details to people who can’t “see” something without actually touching it for real. That is why we use 3D solid modeling and photorealistic imagery so extensively, because you can provide clients with a real experience before you have built a single component.

Communicating design details to those who don’t understand design details is an Affinity for Mechanical Design specialty, as communication is key to success.

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