the right experience coupled with creativity

Project Consulting

a myriad of services

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From concept to commissioning, we provide thorough project management services that range from product or process research to construction. If you need outside suppliers to construct your product or machine, we have worked with several manufacturers that can produce entire machines including electrical components and programming.

Project Consulting Services

Product Processes

A quick and efficient process design helps to speed up product flows and reduce manufacturing times which keeps costs down. When Schrader Automotive hired our lead engineer to design the very first tire air pressure sensor, they soon learned that our methods produced results. So, Schrader asked us to redesign their entire plant process flow. Not only did we update the plant layout, we added sophisticated product transport robots to their plant, long before such robots were common place.

Design for Assembly / Manufacturing Services

At Affinity for Mechanical Design, we offer end to end Design for Assembly and Design for Manufacturing services to our clients for both new as well as existing product designs. We design the products to perform specific functions keeping the manufacturing cost in mind and making sure the products stay competitive in the marketplace. In design for assembly, we review the current design with an eye for elements and features of the design which can be improved in order to eliminate or minimize the touch labor. DFA is also essential to minimize the costs of a production assembly.

Engineering Change Management
Owing to regular changes in the product requirements, complex supply chains, and shorter lead times, the ability to execute ECO (engineering change orders) has become critical in the product development process. The engineers at Affinity for Mechanical Design have an in-depth understanding of ECR/ECO/ECN processes and can manage engineering change efficiently and effectively throughout the product development cycle. We help simplify the entire engineering change management process, thus reducing cycle time and faster execution of ECR’s (engineering change request). Rather than complex, overly detailed emails and forms, we use visual images to communicate required changes. Sort of like the old school red & yellow pencil method of years ago, except modernized for today’s hyper-speed design process.
User / Service Manuals

Drafting has practically become a lost art and yet in the right hands, with today’s sophisticated CAD tools, combined with today’s communications abilities, 3D solid models and drafting can convey your products or machinery to others like never before. Being able to share a computer screen online to 200 people across the world, while actually modifying a 3D CAD model during a meeting, in real time, is literally ground breaking progress. Nothing is better when trying to convey significant design details to people who can’t “see” something without actually touching it for real. That is why we use 3D solid modeling and photorealistic imagery so extensively, because you can provide clients with a real experience before you have built a single component.

Communicating design details to those who don’t understand design details is an Affinity for Mechanical Design specialty, as communication is key to success.

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